Set in the United States around the late 1920s, Patty Rabbit, along with her family is soon arriving in Maple Town, a small town inhabited by friendly animals. However due to a train heist by the sly—if usually "endearingly" unsuccessful—thief, Wild Wolf, he stole the mailbag from her father and made his eacape in the forest. Soon she follows after him alone to retrieve the mailbag. In the midst of getting the bag back from the thief, she befriends a boy of her age named Bobby Bear who has the bag. As they both escaped from Wild Wolf and outwitted him, they deliver the mailbag back safely to her father. Soon, the Rabbit Family made their stay at Maple Town as mail carriers and the bitter, yet sweet friendship of Patty and Bobby begins to blossom. At the same time trying to foil Wild Wolf's plans.
Patty Rabbit is the main protagonist of the anime Maple Town. At about 9 years old (the same age as Bobby Bear), she is the younger sister of Rachel Rabbit and the older sister of Ricky Rabbit and Bunny Rabbit (making her the second oldest child) and the daughter of Mama and Papa Rabbit (who are named Christine and Marcel respectively in the Japanese version). Her best friend is Bobby Bear.
Voiced by: Maya Okamoto. Born Feb 3, 1967. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Ricky Rabbit is Patty and Rachel Rabbit's little brother and the Rabbit Family's only son. He is also the second youngest of the family at 3 years old, with a little sister named Bunny.
Voiced by: Mayumi Shô. Born Feb 5, 1965. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Bobby Bear is Patty Rabbit's boyfriend and is one of the major characters in the series Maple Town. He is 9 years old. He is also the eldest child of the Bear family with a little sister named Bonny (at age 3) and a little brother named Buddy. In the episode Welcome to Maple Town, he meets Patty Rabbit and the two later become friends.
Voiced by: Yoku Shioya. Born Jun 24, 1958. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Fanny Fox is one of Patty Rabbit's friends. She is 8 years old.
Fanny tends to be very bossy and stubborn all the time. She also thinks that she is better than all the others, leading her to become dominant at times due to her family being the richest in Maple Town.
Voiced by: Mayumi Shô. Born Feb 5, 1965. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Roxie Raccoon is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raccoon. She is the younger sister of Ruthie Raccoon. She might be 8 or 9 years old. She also has a baby brother named Rusty who was born in the episode A Baby Comes to Maple Town. She is one of Patty Rabbit's friends.
Voiced by: Chieko Honda. Born March 28, 1963. Died February 18, 2013. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Danny Dog is one of Patty Rabbit's friends in Maple Town. He is around 8-9 years old and has a twin brother named Donny Dog. His mother and father are Maple Town's nurse and doctor respectively who both work at the town's hospital.
Voiced by: Hiroshi Takemura. Born October 24, 1953. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Wilde Wolf is the main antagonist of the Maple Town anime. He is an adult wolf dressed in bandit-like clothing. He first appears in the episode Welcome to Maple Town when he appears on the Maple Town train, trying to take the passengers' belongings
Voiced by: Yûsaku Yara. Born March 15, 1948. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Can't wait to get to Maple Town
My favorite place to be
Maple Town and me.
Living each day, we laugh and we play
My favorite place to be
Maple Town and me.
Can't wait to get to Maple Town
My favorite place to be
Maple Town and me.
Living each day, we laugh and we play
My favorite place to be
Maple Town and me.