The show follows the adventures of Gus and Kissyfur, a father and son bear duo who had joined the circus. One day on a circus trip, the train they are riding in derails and the bears escape to a new life in the swamps of Paddlecab County. There, they protect the local swamp's inhabitants from the local bumbling alligators Floyd and Jolene. Kissyfur and his father use the skills they have acquired from the human world to create a boat tour business transporting other animals and their products down the river.
Gus’s son and the title character of the series. He and his Dad are the newest residents of Paddlecab County. He is an eight year old bear cub who loves to pretend and occasionally gets into trouble with the rest of the cubs.
Voiced by: R.J. Williams. Born July 19, 1978. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Kissyfur's father, who owns a paddlecab company and taxis the animals from one side of the swamp to the other. He can be a bit bumbling at times, but is a good father.
Voiced by: Ed Gilbert. Born June 29, 1931. Died May 8, 1999. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
A purple porcupine who is very gloomy. He talks slowly and is the quiet one of the group.
Voiced by: Stuart Rosen . Born Jun 26, 1939. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
A white bunny who has a crush on Kissyfur, she is the only female swamp cub and tends to act as the voice of reason at times
Voiced by: Russi Taylor. Born May 4, 1944. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
A pig who loves to clean and freaks out if he gets dirty.
Voiced by: Neil Ross. Born December 31, 1944 . Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
A six year old beaver, Toot is the youngest of the swamp cubs. He looks up to and idolizes Kissyfur.
Voiced by: Russi Taylor. Born May 4, 1944. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Charles son, Lenny would technically be the bully of the group. He tries to act tough, though this sometimes fails if he’s really scared of something. Enjoys being bossy and pushing the other cubs around. Refers to Kissyfur as “Kissyface.”
Voiced by: Lennie Weinrib. April 29, 1935. Died June 28, 2006. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
An alligator who wears a red wig. She and Floyd are always trying to capture the swamp cubs so they can eat them for dinner. She would be considered the brains between the two, but not by much. Has a low tolerance for Floyd’s dim-wittedness, which usually results in her smacking him with her wig.
Voiced by: Terry McGovern. Born May 11, 1942. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
An alligator who along with Jolene is always hatching a plan to try and capture the swamp cubs so they can eat them for dinner. Isn’t the brightest, often making dim-witted remarks.
Voiced by: Stuart Rosen . Born Jun 26, 1939. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
No lyrics.