The show revolves around the adventures of Denver, the last dinosaur - a Corythosaurus - who was released from his egg by a group of multicultural modern California teens: Jeremy, Mario, Shades, Wally, and Casey, along with tag-along older sister, Heather. The kids taught Denver the finer points of skateboarding and other pastimes while protecting him from concert promoter Morton Fizzback who wanted to use the dinosaur to make money.
Denver the Last Dinosaur is the title character and the main protagonist of the show.
Voiced by: Patrick Fraley. Born February 18, 1949. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Wally is the boy who takes Denver in, Denver's closest friend. Cares for various animals - including Rocky (his pup), 3 cats, Ears (a rabbit), and a parrot.
Voiced by: Adam Carl. Born January 27, 1971. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Jeremy is the intelligent guy amongst the gang who is able to provide information about dinosaurs.
Voiced by: Adam Carl. Born January 27, 1971. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Mario is a kid with an enormous ego.
Voiced by: Cam Clarke. Born November 6, 1957. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Shades is a cool kid who always wears sunglasses (where his name is derived from).
Voiced by: Cam Clarke. Born November 6, 1957. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Casey is a girl with a crush on Mario. She is also the machinist of the gang.
Voiced by: Kath Soucie. Born February 20, 1967. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Heather is Wally's older sister.
Voiced by: Kath Soucie. Born February 20, 1967. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Morton Fizzback is an evil concert promoter, the main antagonist of the show.
Voiced by: Brian Cummings. Born March 4, 1948. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Professor Funt is an evil scientist, sometimes works with Morton.
Voiced by: Brian Cummings. Born March 4, 1948. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Nick is the leader of three other bullies, Curt, Scott, and Rod, who cause trouble for the boys.
Voiced by: Rob Paulsen. Born March 11, 1956. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Denver, the last dinosaur
He's my friend and a whole lot more
Denver, the last dinosaur
Shows me a world I never saw before
Everywhere we go we don't really care
If people stop and stare at our pal dino.
Creating history thru the rock n' roll spotlight
We've got a friend who helps us, we can do alright
That's Denver, the last dinosaur
He's my friend and a whole lot more
Denver, the last dinosaur
Shows me a world I never saw before.