The story is about five people who run a public monster truck show led by Yank Justice, driver of Bigfoot. The other members of the show include Red & Redder (twin sisters who drive Black Gold), Professor Dee (driver of the Orange Blossom Special), and Close McCall (driver of War Lord). A young woman named Jennifer McGraw steals an ancient map that leads to the Fountain of Youth in Florida by a group of terrorists led by an elderly billionaire named Adrian Ravenscroft (a.k.a. "Mr. Big"), and they are attempting to retrieve the map from her. Ravenscroft hires a couple of workers who helped him try to get the map back named Ernie Slye and Ravenscroft's limousine chauffeur. This band of criminals chases Yank Justice and his friends across the United States and try to kill them.
No voice actor.
Real name: Adrian Ravenscroft
Voiced by: Peter Cullen. Born July 28, 1944. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Voiced by: Chris Latta. Born August 30, 1949. Died June 12, 1994. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Voiced by: Neil Ross. Born December 31, 1944. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.