ALF Tales is an animated American series that ran on the NBC television network on Saturdays from August 1988 to December 1989. The show was a spinoff from the series ALF: The Animated Series. The show had characters from that series play various characters from fairy tales. The fairy tale was usually altered for comedic effect in a manner relational to Fractured Fairy Tales. Each story typically spoofs a film genre, such as the "Cinderella" episode done as an Elvis movie. Some episodes featured a "fourth wall" effect where ALF is backstage preparing for the episode, and Rob Cowan would appear drawn as a TV executive (who introduced himself as "Roger Cowan, network executive") to try to brief ALF on how to improve this episode.
Real name: Gordon Shumway.
Gordon Shunway, nicknamed ALF (acronym for AlienLife Form), is an alien from the planet Melmac.
Alf and his friends from Melmac spoof and retell some classic stories (such as Robin Hood, Cinderella, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow etc...) in only the way that ALF could.
Voiced by: Paul Fusco. Born January 29, 1953. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Bob Shumway is the father of ALF, Augie, and Curtis. He is married to Flo Shumway
Voiced by: Thick Wilson. Image via Images.tvrage.
Flo Shumway is mother of ALF, Augie, and Curtis. She is married to Bob Shumway.
Voiced by: Peggy Mahon.Image via Afbs.
Augie Shumway is ALF's sister. Augie is characterized by her tqll hair style and for being a very messy eater.
Voiced by: Tabitha St. Germain. Born August 11, 1976. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Gordon's girlfriend.
Voiced by: Tabitha St. Germain. Born August 11, 1976. Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
Curtis is ALF’s brother.
Voiced by: Michael Fantini.Born December 04, 1935. Image via Voicechasers.
Larson's assistant
Voiced by: Dan Hennessey. Born August 25, 1941 . Image via Behindthevoiceactors.
In 2006 Lionsgate Films released a single disc DVD with 9 episodes. Aside from that release, there have been no other releases nor a complete set of ALf the Animated series.
DVD cover
DVD Specifications
All seasons of the regular Alf series have been released on dvd.
No lyrics